Learn Full Stack Graphic Designing - 1 Year Certification


Graphic design is an important tool for any business that wants to make a good first impression. The first interaction a visitor has with your brand sets the tone for the rest of your business relationship. That first interaction is usually in the form of visual marketing materials. It could be a business card, a new website landing page, a poster, a flyer, a social media post, or even your product packaging.

Graphic design, regardless of industry or field, will help your business gain credibility. When your creative content helps customers solve problems and alleviate pain points, they are more likely to regard you as a credible authority in your field.

Another advantage of this job is that you have complete creative freedom in terms of content creation. You have complete creative control while working on graphics design projects. This is a significant advantage because you continue to learn even when you are completing an assignment.

Course Content

  • Introduction to Graphic Design.
  • Design Principles and Elements.
  • Graphic Design Software Overview.
  • Typography and Font Usage.
  • Color Theory and Application.
  • Logo Design and Branding.
  • Print Design Basics.
  • Brochure and Poster Design.
  • Corporate Identity Design.
  • Print Production Processes.
  • Designing for Virtual and Augmented Reality.
  • Portfolio Building Strategies.
  • Mock Client Projects.
  • Presentation Skills.
  • Collaboration Tools for Design Teams.
  • Final Project and Showcase.
  • Specialized Design Areas (Choose one: Editorial, Branding, Digital, 3D).
  • Capstone Project Development.
  • Industry Trends and Emerging Technologies.
  • Professional Development and Networking.
  • Graduation Showcase and Certification.

Who is this program for?

To become a graphic design artist, you need to know how to draw, of course, but there’s much more to it than that. To learn graphic design, you will also need a firm grasp on how to use designing software, capture realistic movement and personality, and work with art directors to bring a vision to life. Here are the basics of what you need to know and how to attain that knowledge

Career Opportunity

After this course you will get opportunities to successfully:

  • Logo Designing
  • Use shape language
  • Vector Designer
  • UI & UX designer
  • Social Media Post Designer

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