Become a Android Application Developer
The process of developing apps for devices running the Android operating system is known as Android software development. Android apps can be written using Katlin, Java, and C++ languages” using the Android software development kit (SDK), while using other languages is also possible. The course begins with an overview of required Java programming knowledge Next, we’ll enter the world of Android development and build a variety of apps that make use of the numerous features of a current Android phone, such as vibration, sounds playback and recording, the camera, animations, location, basic 3D graphics, file system, Network operations (UDP/TCP) and more We will work with the most cutting-edge IDEs, such as Eclipse and IntelliJIDEA, during the course (Android Studio).
Course Content
- Introduction to Android Application Development.
- Setting Up the Android Development Environment.
- Understanding Android Components (Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content Providers).
- User Interface Design with XML and Android Views.
- Handling User Input and Events.
- Android Layouts and UI Widgets.
- Data Storage and Persistence in Android.
- Networking and API Integration in Android Apps.
- Security and Permissions in Android Development.
- Building and Deploying Android Applications to the Google Play Store.
Career Opportunity
Switching Careers and Becoming an Android Developer
- Everyday work of Android developers
- The technology used in most projects
- Preparing for the job search
- Support in the community
- A Q&A session
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